The Company

Impianti tecnologici civili e industriali

A company based in Arezzo that delivers electrical systems and industrial automated solutions


automation systems

Thanks to the experience and expertise gained in 20 years of operation and to the constant use of next-generation technologies, Electron s.r.l. is a trusted business partner that can promptly and professionally assist customers at any stage, from the medium-voltage plant to the design, manufacture and maintenance of electrical and industrial automation systems.


A company based in Arezzo that delivers electrical systems and industrial automated solutions


packaging and labeling

Today Electron is also in the business of creating tailored solutions for labelling, bottling and capping applications, as well as liquid and solid foodstuffs packaging processes, and delivers compact, highly efficient, reliable and user-friendly machines. Each machine model is designed to deliver top performances, ensure pinpoint precision for filling and labelling, and reduce costs and production times.



electrical systems and automation

Committed to fulfil the customer’s needs, our engineers closely follow any stage of the machine production – from design to marketing – and provide, if necessary, a turnkey solution, including delivering the whole electrical system.

A company based in Arezzo that delivers electrical systems and industrial automated solutions



of service and maintenance

Our customers can rely on an ongoing, skilled support and maintenance service promptly delivered in order to prevent business interruptions and minimize machine downtime.

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Website by Tiphys S.r.l.

Privacy Policy (art.13 D.Lgs. 196/2003):

Any personal information, provided to us on whatever basis, will be kept by information media in compliance with rights and safety measures as defined in the regulation in force about personal information protection and exclusively used to answer your enquiries (pieces of information, reservations, etc…) or processed to advertise the services and products offered by us to our customers. Anyone who has sent his or her own personal information to us (name, e-mail address, etc…) is entitled to demand information at any time concerning the data that we have stored about him or her as well as to require their rectification, update, integration or cancellation at the following e-mail address: (person in charge Sig. Gianni Vespi).